
26th Annual Tafesilafa’i Festival 2023
July 16-22


Welcome to the 26th Annual Tafesilafa’i Festival.

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, 6 in 10 say their default tendency is to distrust something until they see evidence it is trustworthy. Another 64% say their distrust level is to a point where they are incapable of having constructive and civil debates about issues they disagree on. When distrust is the default – we are stuck and can’t move forward.

In the same study, democratic institutions are trusted less by half of their people, including only 46% in Germany, 45% in Spain, 44% in the UK and 43% in the US. Moreover, no developed countries believe their families or themselves will be better off in 5 years-time.

Of the institutions studied, businesses are once again the most trusted at 61%, ahead of NGOs at 59%, government at 52% and media at 50%. Seventy-seven percent of respondents, however, trust “my employer” making the relationship between employer and employee, or localized relationships, incredibly important.

Which begs the question: If this is True, what Ought We to Do? This issue will be reflected upon throughout Tafesilafa’i 2023: When Distrust Becomes the Default “E ‘asa le Faiva ae le ‘asa le Masalo.” We trust that you will share your perspectives with our community. Tafesilafa’i week is July 16-22.


O le faama’i o loo feagai pea ma le lalolagi, ua le gata ina fano ai tagata, ma aliali ai le eseesga o le tamaoaiga o atunuu, ae ua tula’i mai ai fo’i le le faatuatuaina e tagata-a-nuu o ta’ita’i o malo. O le vala lenei ua le gata ina aafia ai mataupu taua e pei o le masalomia o le tui pe lelei, ae ua tula’i mai ai le masalomia o i latou o loo faia tulafono a malo, ma tagata atamamai (experts). Ua tautalagia, ona o le faama’i, le mataupu i le filemu o malo. Ua silia ma le tolu tausaga talu ona tula’i mai le Koviti, ua soo tui le lalolagi, ma ua faaititia lona mata’utia, a’o le galuega o le faatuatuaina ole malo ma faalapotopotoga, o loo fia faia pea. Ua le o toe fia fo’i tagata i tulaga tuai, ae maise tulaga tuai e le o mafai ona maua ai se lumana’i manuia. O loo iai pea fesili a tagata-nuu, e le o mafai e le malo ona tali.

Faata’ita’iga: Pe toe afaina i matou i nisi faama’i o le a tula’i mai? Pe ou te talitonuina le malo, latou te faia faaiuga mo lo’u manuia, le manuia o lo’u aiga, nu’u, ma lo’u itumalo? O le upu moni: A le mafai e le malo & faalapotopotoga ona faatumauina le filemu ma le manuia o tagata, o le a lafoa’i e tagata nei fatamanu. O le a suia ta’ita’i, o le a faata’ita’i isi faigamalo fou. O le taimi nei o loo iai se asiosio o masalosaloga o loo agi-agi i Malo ma Fatamanu Faasalalau (media). Ua masalomia e tagata, pe aoga ma tatau nei faalapotopotoga. Afai ae tula’i mai se afaina i le lumana’i, ae le mafai e le malo ona laveaiina tagata mai le afaina, ona tatou faapea lea: Ua ‘asa le faiva. Ua tuufua le sasaga. Ua naumati le eleele. Ua papa’u le tanoa. Ona tatau lea ona faatula’i o nisi faatufugaga fou, aua le manuia ma le filemu o tagata.

O le alagaupu ua filifilia e fai ma tagavai o le Tafesilafa’i i le 2023: E ‘Asa le Faiva, ae le ‘asa le Masalo. When Distrust becomes the Default. Afai ae maluelue le faatuatua o tagata ona o faafitauli ua tula’i mai i nei ona po – o ai a toe faatuatua iai? Ia manuia tele le Tafesilafa’i o lenei tausaga. Liligi ifo e le Atua lona sosia i ta’ita’i o lo tatou atunuu, ae maise tupulaga lalovaoa (diasporic youth) ua fitoi tonu iai lenei faamoemoe.

Saturday Schedule

2023 Tafe

Tafesilafai Greeting

Congresswoman Aumua

Congresswoman Aumua Amata addressing participants of the Tafesilafai Pacific Islander Festival

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